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Meth Addicts
Meth addicts can be categorized into three levels based on the severity of their addiction: low-intensity users, bingers, and high-intensity users.
Low-intensity meth addicts
Low-intensity meth addicts are those that use crystal meths on a casual basis, either through snorting meth powder or swallowing meth pills. At the onset, these people function normally in the society, perform their jobs and raise families. They use meth as a form of support to be able to cope up with their jobs (like truck drivers, graveyard shift workers or athletes) and keep up with role expectations (multiple-job parents or sports scholars). They are at great risk of becoming binge users.
Binge meth addicts
Binge meth addicts are those who inject or smoke crystal meth to experience a “rush,” that euphoric sensation which gives extreme pleasure to the user that can last from 5 to 30 minutes. After the rush, binge meth addicts undergo a series of stages – binge (continued injection or smoking), tweaking (a sudden low or depressed feeling) crash (periods of prolonged sleep to replenish adrenaline hormones used) and normalcy (a few days when the meth addict returns to “normal,” yet not exactly in the same way as non-meth users).
High-intensity meth addicts
High-intensity meth addicts, also called “speed freaks” are those who are already slaves to the effects of the crystal meth that they resort to extremely risky behavior to prevent the setting in of the tweaking and crash stages. They do this by increasing the dosage and the frequency of the substance. High-intensity meth addicts may pose danger when confronted by authorities.
Because of continuous tweaking, these persons may have not slept for as long as 15 days! They do not think logically, react violently, has an uncontrollable fight-or-flight mode and may harm the people around them.